We were recently invited along to an exclusive sneak peek of the new Skylanders Swap Force...
Skylanders Swap Force is the latest game from Activision ....we couldn't wait to preview the new game and believe me we wasn't disappointed in what we saw....

In Skylanders Swap Force their is an amazing new set of 16 swappable characters (along with additional core characters) from Eye Brawl to Magna Charge and my boys favourite Wash Buckler ... and what makes these uniquely different from the other Skylanders characters is that with the Swap force characters split apart from the waist down which means you can mix and match various Swap force characters and create your own customisable characters....So you can have the moving speed of one Skylander and the fighting power of another and mix and match each ones powers and moves...So in all you can have 256 unique combinations...this was absolutely amazing and the boys loved the fact that you could swap characters and powers.....and customize the characters physically which in turn reflect your Skylander Swap Force character in the game ..
Totally awesome as my son said.
What's more the game will be available on all current platforms and we will be able to use our old Skylanders characters in the new game which is great....The game its self offers awesome graphics and another amazing adventure to defeat kaos with all new jumping powers which the current Skylanders games doesn't have.
Wash Buckler |
My boys loved experimenting with the characters they were very robust and parted easily whilst being extremely durable as they connect with very strong magnets...My boys are already excited at the release of Skylanders Swap Force which should be available to purchase at the end of this year... My boys who are already asking how long and when can we get it... As they are so excited and cant wait to get their hands on the new characters and game...we are very excited about the release and cant wait.
This is my personal post on our thoughts of the new skylanders game..all thought are that of mine and my boy's.