Walt Disney Animation Studios, the studio behind “Tangled” and “Wreck-It Ralph,” presents “Frozen,” a stunning big-screen comedy adventure. Fearless optimist Anna (voice of Kristen Bell) sets off on an epic journey—teaming up with rugged mountain man Kristoff (voice of Jonathan Groff) and his loyal reindeer Sven—to find her sister Elsa (voice of Idina Menzel), whose icy powers have trapped the kingdom of Arendelle in eternal winter. Encountering Everest-like conditions, mystical trolls and a hilarious snowman named Olaf, Anna and Kristoff battle the elements in a race to save the kingdom.
In “Frozen,” fearless optimist Anna (voice of Kristen Bell) teams up with rugged mountain man Kristoff (voice of Jonathan Groff) and his loyal reindeer Sven in an epic journey, encountering Everest-like conditions, mystical trolls and a hilarious snowman named Olaf in a race to find Anna’s sister Elsa (voice of Idina Menzel), whose icy powers have trapped the kingdom of Arendelle in eternal winter.
We were very excited as we had previously seen the trailer on the Monsters University DVD the previous week...... and we knew instantly that we wanted to watch this awesome movie...
We sat in amazement throughout the movie as we were taken on the breathtaking journey of Anna and Elsa, A totally awesome movie....amazingly heartwarming and magical story of love. The array of songs were breathtakingly amazing.... and we sat in awe throughout, along with the fabulous 3D graphics brought the movie to life.
We loved watching Elsa's amazing icy powers and of course our favorite character has to be Olaf so funny yet cute.....another truly amazing magical Disney movie which we cannot wait to watch again.