We love living in London as we can access some of the world's most amazing galleries and museums. We had previously visited the London Transport Museum when the kids were much younger, so it was delightful to revisit now that the boys were older.

The London Transport Museum is located in the famous Covent Garden in London. On entrance, the kids were given a stamper trail map which encourages the children to explore all areas of the museum collecting 13 stamps on your way around.
The museum is host to a stunning collection of transport and memorabilia from as early as the 19th century, we were in awe and be looked around and could only imagine what is would have been like back in those time.
As we wandered through the museum is was amazing to see the way people used to travel around London from old trams to the modern day buses, we even had a glimpse at what possibly could be the future of transport in the future of transport area,
We especially loved exploring the buses decks and having a try at seeing what it would be like to drive a London bus. There are lots of interactive sections to keep the kids occupied and some amazing exhibitions.
With so much to see visiting the London Transport Museum is a fantastic day out for kids and adults, defiantly a must visit if you live in London or are visiting London. If you love history and want to know more about Londons transport through the times them this is the place to visit.

There is also a cafe so you can stop for something to drink and a fabulous gift shop which I loved.
London Transport Museum are £17,00 and kids go free. For more information visit www.ltmuseum.co.uk