We were super excited to be invited to Lady Dinah’s Cat Emporium, the first ever cat café in the heart of London's east end to celebrate the release of the movie Top Cat which was released on the 27th May.
Along the way, our heroes meet fellow alley cats Choo Choo, Fancy-Fancy and Brain, and together they're a formidable bunch. However, when Mr. Big catches up with them and captures Top Cat, can his new friends save the day?
We had an amazing time at Lady Dinah’s Cat Emporium it was defiantly an amazing experince the cakes were delicious and I adored the hot chocolate, We also enjoyed the company of so many beautiful cats.

After such a wonderful afternoon we certainly cannot wait to watch the Top Cat movie and pay another visit to the cat café.
For more information on Top Cat check out Warner Bros and for information on Londons Cat café check out lady Dinahs Cat Emporium.