Monday, 31 December 2012

Happy New Year

Happy New Year
Wow what a wonderful six months of blogging I have had...I have met some amazing Bloggers...participated in some fabulous opportunities that I never imagined I would have been part of....Thanks to Britmums and Tots100 Babyhuddle and Love all Blogs... I have loved participating in all of the linkys…

Sunday, 30 December 2012

Saturday, 29 December 2012

The Cardboard Box

The Cardboard Box
It never ceases to amaze me how interesting a cardboard box can be to matter how many fun..fab toys our children have...they will always love nothing more the encasing themselves in a huge cardboard box ... I have seen this with both my boys and the children I work with... A cardboa…

Saturday, 29 December 2012


We encountered this squirrel on our trip to the local park....not only was he/she very friendly and came right up to us....but as we left and walked boys waved goodbye....the squirrel sat and watched us .....and didn't move..until we were out of sight....As if to say don't lea…

Thursday, 27 December 2012

Perfect Elf

Perfect Elf
This is my Poetic Entry into Tots100 Center Parcs Competition  Elf Elf... Helpful Elf Your always wrapping as there's gifts that need packing....and so many toys to be made... But hurry Elf....Thank you for being yourself..and working so very hard....As time flies by in a blink of an eye...Excited…

Monday, 24 December 2012

Mince Cinnamon Rolls

Mince Cinnamon Rolls
Ingredients Ready Roll Puff Pastry Robertson's Mince Meat Cinnamon Powder Method Preheat oven to 375f gas mark 5 Unroll Pastry...Generously(alter if you prefer less) spread the mince meat across the whole of the pasty using the back of the spoon or a spatula...Ensure you leave edges plain. Sprin…

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Winter wonderland

Winter wonderland
Myself and my family went on an amazing trip to Winter Wonderland in London's Hyde Park.....We were sponsored to attend Zippos Circus...courtesy of  Costa Bingo who kindly provided our tickets. Excited to be a Winter Wonderland. We had an absolutely amazing time...This was a first for us....As w…

Thursday, 20 December 2012

My Reasons to be Cheerful #R2BC

My Reasons to be Cheerful #R2BC
This is a very easy one this week for me because the main reason I'm happy is that Christmas holidays are almost here.....And I cant wait.....No rushing around...Two weeks off work and with the family.......TV Times at the ready to plan and watch some fab movies..... Munching and crunching &quo…

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

CeraKooks Ceramic Knife - Review

CeraKooks Ceramic Knife - Review
I was so excited to receive my CeraKook's Ceramic knives. the knife is of the highest quality with razor sharp blades, that's amazingly sharp and it cuts and slices with ease. I love it this is now my Favourite and most used knife. CeraKook has a fantastic range of ceramic Knives and Knife…

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Threading Mittens

Threading Mittens
What you will need Card (Lamintate if Possible) Shoe lace Hole punch Activity Draw and cut out a very simple pair of mitten shapes (draw around a pair of mittens if need be)...then then punch several holes around mitten around the edge. Put a large knot in one end of the shoe lace..or tie it on one …

Monday, 17 December 2012

postcards from Santa competition

postcards from Santa competition
Here are my sons pictures of Christmas card ....of Santa Claus on his travels as entry for Postcards from  Santa competition  at TravelSupermarket.Com You too can join in this fab  competition  by showing your child's best festive drawing of Santa Claus in their favourite holiday destination  follow th…

Monday, 17 December 2012

Handprinted Reindeer Christmas Cards

Handprinted Reindeer Christmas Cards
Every year we like many other Schools/Children's Centre's ..... like our children have the opportunity to create their own Christmas cards. My colleague came up with a novel way of creating them this year....and I loved it so much that I wanted to share it with you...simple yet so creative. …

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Cluedo - The London Edition-Review

Cluedo - The London Edition-Review
Murder comes to the Capital for the first time ever as Winning Moves, the innovative games company behind many classic family favourites, unveils Cluedo: London Edition. The popular country house whodunit classic has been given an urban make-over and relocated to London, axing original characters s…

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Thursday, 13 December 2012

#R2BC- My Reason to be Cheerful

#R2BC- My Reason to be Cheerful
I have had a very busy week so far...on Sunday myself and my family attended the Gala premiere of Tinkerbell the Secret on the was an fantastic event lots of activities and an amazing buffet...we rubbed shoulders with celebs and had an amazing time..the movie was fantastic we enjoyed it…

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Snowflake Craft

Snowflake Craft
What you will need White circular paper Scissors Activity Fold circle in half.. and encourage you child to cut out small triangles and small snips out of circle to create their own snowflake designs....these can be hung or stuck onto  windows using white can also sprinkle with white rainbo…

Monday, 10 December 2012

TinkerBell and the Secret of the Wings - Review

TinkerBell and the Secret of the Wings - Review
Myself and my Family were honored to attend the Gala Premiere of Disney's Tinkerbell and the secret of the Wings in 3D at the May Fair Hotel in London.. Tinkerbell and the Secret of the wings...sees Tinkerbell leave her home in the warm Pixie Hollow to cross into the mysterious forbidden Winte…

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Jingle Bells Book - Review

Jingle Bells Book - Review
Jingle Bells Book and CD - The Jingle Bells Book features 18 Christmas tunes with melody line and chord symbols...ideal for Guitar or Recorder, keyboard and the Ukulele...The pack helps encourage your child to sing along...with fun backing tracks and features  sing-along versions of all the songs.…