Wednesday, 10 October 2012
Getting to know you - Blogger Facts About Me
I have been tagged by The Mums To Do List
Rules are simple - post 5 random facts about yourself.... Choose five deserving bloggers of 200 or less followers and nominate....
Tell nominees you have chosen for them this award by leaving a comment on their blog.
Answer My five questions and then ask your own five questions to the blogger you choose to tag...
No tag backs
Five Random Facts About Me........
1- I live in the East End of London
2- I work as a Nursery Practitioner
3- My family are my main focus in life
4- I like a good moan
5- Other then that I'm generally a very happy person.
The Mums To Do List 5 Questions to me....
1- How would you like you blog to develop.... I'm hoping to add more of my Early Years Education Experience on my blog in the near future.
2- What time of the day do you blog....I tend to blog when I have a spare few minutes, but mostly of an evening.
3- Do you have any regrets in terms of what you have done as a parent so far....defiantly not .... I'm happy with my parenting techniques.. xx
4- What is your ideal job if you could return to work/start work... I'm quite Lucky I work with children and my hours are between 11 and 2.30 each day which allows me to take and collect my children from school.
I have been at in my current job for ten years so I'm very settled.
4-How do your family feel about you blog... My family are very supportive.
The blogs I Tagged
My questions to those I have tagged
1- What you life's ambition
2- Whats you best blogger post so far
3- Why do you blog
4- Where do you see your blog in a years time
5- What do you do in your spare time eg Hobby.... other then blogging
About Me
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