When I first heard about PKTMNY, I was curious and interested in the concept ...the fact my child could have their own personal pocket money account with access to their own card and to be responsible to manage their money was a bonus, I love the idea of my children having their own pocket money account .. as I like to encourage my children to be Independent.. but within limits that I can set..that's why PKTMNY is perfect choice.

I wanted to encourage saving and spending wisely for my children...as they recently had developed an attitude to spend any money they had, And I wanted to teach my children to take responsibility for their money... to enable them to save responsibly, and also to save for a pacific item...rather then feel the need to spend immediately..PKTMNY has had a very positive impact on my children's saving and spending desires...both of my boys have enjoyed making their wish lists and the fact that they can view their account and see how much money they have saved and how far they have to reach desired goal has been extremely positive. PKTMNY has defiantly changed how I and my children deal with pocket money...I can add chores which is great and my boys seem very focused and positive about having their own personal PKTMNY account. My eldest son will often look at his account to view his PKTMNY And check his wish-list goals. I can already see the benefits of having the PKTMNY accounts as my children are more focused on there pocket money and we are having lots of positive discussions on saving and spending wisely...so this is fantastic.
I want my children to learn and take responsibility of their pocket money and develop good habits when it comes to money...I can honestly say PKTMNY has given us the tools we needed to make this happen.
To find out more about PKTMNY please visit - http://www.pktmny.com
This is a sponsored post for Britmums..which is part of the PKTMY launch...All views expressed my personal thoughts and opinions.