We had a wonderful Sunday at our local bonfire display...I always think that these moments will be my children's memory's in the years to come.
My eldest son is the second fasted racer in his year so he was chosen to take part in an 800m relay race against other schools... We had a long old trot to get the park... But once there it was fab... It was so nice to see all the children enjoying themselves... My son fell down in his race but picked himself up and continued he came 39th, not bad considering there were about 80 kids per race...proud moments
My youngest son fell over at school and has a huge lump On His head... My goodness, I'm walking around with my heart in my mouth...
I had excellent feedback from my recent parents evening... I can see that both of my boys have progressed dramatically since lasts term ..I'm a happy mummy...
I was also chosen by Tots100 for a Good Read Blog it was my first so defiantly made my day.