Monday, 31 December 2012
Happy New Year
Wow what a wonderful six months of blogging I have had...I have met some amazing Bloggers...participated in some fabulous opportunities that I never imagined I would have been part of....Thanks to Britmums and Tots100 Babyhuddle and Love all Blogs...
I have loved participating in all of the linkys my fav being mocha beanie mummy - silent-sunday/ Mummy from the Hearts - reasons to be cheerful and Love All Blogs - socialpix... I'm sure I will join in more next year!!!
Most of all I have enjoyed every minute of being a new blogger...what a fantastic journey I have had so far....I can't wait to see what 2013 has in store ... As these past six months have been so great I can only imagine next year will be even better... I would like to take this opportunity to Thank all my amazing blog Twitter/Goggle+ followers and supporters who have made my blogging experience a fantastic one so huge Thank each and every one of you for all you comments and support.. and a Huge Thank you to my lovely husband and children who have put up with my blogging desires and supported me 100% I love you all dearly and Thank you for your support x
Wishing you all a wonderful 2013.
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Blog Archive
- Happy New Year
- #SilentSunday
- The Cardboard Box
- #SocialPix
- Perfect Elf
- Mince Cinnamon Rolls
- #SilentSunday
- #SocialPix
- Winter wonderland
- My Reasons to be Cheerful #R2BC
- CeraKooks Ceramic Knife - Review
- Threading Mittens
- postcards from Santa competition
- Handprinted Reindeer Christmas Cards
- Cluedo - The London Edition-Review
- #SilentSunday
- #SocialPix
- #R2BC- My Reason to be Cheerful
- Snowflake Craft
- TinkerBell and the Secret of the Wings - Review
- #silentsunday
- Jingle Bells Book - Review
- #SocialPix
- Winter Activities - Gloves
- Hokey Pokey
- My Big Boy - Another Year Older #R2BC
- The White Company - Orange Grove Candle - Review
- Twinings - Review
- Rudolph Ginger Cookies
- Our PKTMNY Experience
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid - Review
- #SilentSunday
- ACHICA - Blogger Event
- #SocialPix