It never ceases to amaze me how interesting a cardboard box can be to children....no matter how many fun..fab toys our children have...they will always love nothing more the encasing themselves in a huge cardboard box ... I have seen this with both my boys and the children I work with...
A cardboard box and provide endless entertainment and bring out some amazing creative imaginative ideas..... and it's amazing to watch.
There is something quite special about a cardboard box as it can be made and represent almost anything that a child wants it to... that's why no matter how many toys children have..they will always find excitement in a cardboard box...as it gives them the option of creating and representing their own ideas without limits.
What you will need
Range of different sized cardboard boxes
Paint and Paintbrushes or large Marker Pens to decorate (optional)
Sellotape or Glue (optional)
Children love to sit and play with boxes...using many different boxes children can use their imagination to create...design...and build amazing ideas...
There are so many imaginative games that can be played using a box.
From sitting in a large box pretending that it's a...Pirate Ships.Car.Aeroplanes or Bus.
To building and designing various structure from...Rocket Ships to Robots...the ideas are endless..as an empty box can become almost anything.. encourage your child's imagination and sit back and watch a simple box develop fun play ideas.
What will my Child Learn
Children can play together to build relationships share ideas
Extend and build on Imaginative Ideas and experiment with new ideas