NO CHANCE.... as a working mum... Friday generally means time to catch up on all those jobs
I had to look at and ignore because I had no time to do them... An endless pile of laundry awaits along with some serious cleaning....and its the last thing that I really want to do right now..
Its really hard to stay on top of your home and housework when you are never in it...and when you are your rushing through it like the wind...leaving behind misplaced items....WHY do I have folded kids clothes on my dining table!!!!!
Don't get me wrong if I tell the kids ten times they will help...but sometimes its just quicker and easier to do it myself...I know its not the right thing...But often its the quickest...And hubby works shifts, So he can only do ..what he can ..when he can...when he is here!!!!!
Normally after the school pick up...I'm rushing around after the kids cooking/washing/ironing and nothing seems to be in it correct place...
I have a word and its called Skimming I skim over the general housework eg hovering everyday...wiping down kitchen worktops everyday.....You know general stuff... But its not how It should be or how I would like it to be...its not deep cleaning you know the saying everything has its place..
Well not right now it doesn't ....and you know how everything tends to pop into the living room toys scattered everywhere...shoes..clean folded laundry... It drives me CRAZY.
And most of the time I have to look at it and close the door on my way to work....STRESS...the life of a mum is hard...and extra stressful as a working mum...
That's better I needed that good ole moan .......and the boy's will be helping pick up their toys and cleaning their room....Even IF it takes ten times of asking.
Let the chores commence.