Monday, 5 August 2013

Family Time

We are a week into the school Holidays already.... and unfortunately I have been working so far.
So have really missed not spending time with the hubby and boy's...BUT my #magicmoment is finally here....YAY I'm off from work for a almost three weeks... it couldn't get any better then that.
I can spend some quality time with my family and I really cant wait...I haven't had a proper day off since April so I'm long over due a rest... Although I'm sure I wont be resting much.

I have asked my boys to write their summer holiday bucket lists (which I will share in another post) we have a few planned outings and I'm really looking forward to the day's and weeks ahead...bring on the summer fun..stress..laughter and madness...Here's to family and the thoughts of magic moments to come x
