Rebecca Romero is the first British athlete and second woman in history to win Olympic medals in two different sports at the summer Olympic Games. She's also completed 2 Iron Man challenges. This includes 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile cycle and a 26.2 mile run. Rebecca has recently embarked on a new challenge. Rebecca gave birth for the first time to a little boy last month - she is sure her determination will be put to the test once again as she enters in to her biggest personal challenge yet.
Her multifaceted sporting backgrounds, long lasting energy and achievements make her the ideal candidate to offer advice on maintaining a positive mind set and staying motivated and energized, whether this is in sports, in work or just in your life generally.Rebecca Romero is also a proud ambassador for the Energizer® Positive Energy Mum campaign.
Together, Rebecca and Energizer® are asking the UK to nominate their Positive Energy mum via the Energizer® UK Facebook page.
So if you know a positive energy mum who has gone that extra mile, then please click onto the Energizer® Facebook page www.facebook.com/EnergizerUK to nominate them! The competition is open until 8th August and the shortlist will be announced the week after. Not only does the Positive Energy mum win a UK short break for her and her family but you will also win the same – now that’s positive energy!
I was lucky enough to ask Rebecca Romero a few burning interview questions and get Rebecca thoughts on her sporting life and future goals,
1,What first got you interested in sport? : It was just an innate drive to be sporty and competitive that got me involved in sport. My parents gave me the opportunity to do lots of different activities when I was younger so I learnt to be adventurous, keen to try new things and (most importantly) not afraid to be rubbish at something! When I joined a rowing club to give it a go, I was lucky that a coach spotted my talent. He told me I had the potential to be good to a high level and sowed the seed of an Olympic dream. That was when my interest really intensified!
2, What keeps you focused? : My dreams and ambitions are what keep me focused. I have a vision for how I want my life to pan out long term and how this then pans out for goals over the short term. I then use my desire to achieve these goals as motivation to stay focused.
3, What is you most memorable moment ? : My most memorable moment is standing on the top step of the podium in Beijing as Olympic Champion, watching the tray of medals being walked over to us and then having the Gold one being put round my neck!
4, Describe yourself in one word? : Hmmm….I supposed ‘Determined’ is a defining characteristic of mine!
5, What was your favourite sporting activity as a child? : As a child I wasn’t a sport fiend, but I did do a mix of activities; tap, ballet, drama, violin, piano etc. My one main sport as a young child was swimming but gave that up fairly early on. At school I then did the traditional Hockey, Netball and Athletics but nothing much came of that. I was 17 when I took up rowing (a sport that really suited me) and really got the bug to become a ‘real’ athlete!
6, When are you at your happiest? : I’m at my happiest doing the simplest things in life like having a picnic in the summer sunshine, enjoying a bottle of red wine with friends or having a lazy lay-in-bed on a Sunday morning with my partner and our smiling, giggling baby.
7, How do you wind down? : Having a good chill out on the sofa and a naughty pig-out is a simple wind-down strategy! For me, the best way to wind down is to do what I enjoy and makes me happy. So pretty much those activities I described in my previous answer!
8, what are your future plans? : At the moment I feel fairly new out of sporting retirement and going through the transition into ‘normal’ life. So I don’t have any fixed set plans for the future. My priority at the moment is family. I’ve recently had my first child and would definitely like to have more. So my short-term future plans are to grow my family whilst developing a new career. I’ll be doing the same as most mothers – juggling a lot of balls and trying my best to provide for and be the best mum I can be!
I was lucky enough to ask Rebecca Romero a few burning interview questions and get Rebecca thoughts on her sporting life and future goals,
1,What first got you interested in sport? : It was just an innate drive to be sporty and competitive that got me involved in sport. My parents gave me the opportunity to do lots of different activities when I was younger so I learnt to be adventurous, keen to try new things and (most importantly) not afraid to be rubbish at something! When I joined a rowing club to give it a go, I was lucky that a coach spotted my talent. He told me I had the potential to be good to a high level and sowed the seed of an Olympic dream. That was when my interest really intensified!
2, What keeps you focused? : My dreams and ambitions are what keep me focused. I have a vision for how I want my life to pan out long term and how this then pans out for goals over the short term. I then use my desire to achieve these goals as motivation to stay focused.
3, What is you most memorable moment ? : My most memorable moment is standing on the top step of the podium in Beijing as Olympic Champion, watching the tray of medals being walked over to us and then having the Gold one being put round my neck!
4, Describe yourself in one word? : Hmmm….I supposed ‘Determined’ is a defining characteristic of mine!
5, What was your favourite sporting activity as a child? : As a child I wasn’t a sport fiend, but I did do a mix of activities; tap, ballet, drama, violin, piano etc. My one main sport as a young child was swimming but gave that up fairly early on. At school I then did the traditional Hockey, Netball and Athletics but nothing much came of that. I was 17 when I took up rowing (a sport that really suited me) and really got the bug to become a ‘real’ athlete!
6, When are you at your happiest? : I’m at my happiest doing the simplest things in life like having a picnic in the summer sunshine, enjoying a bottle of red wine with friends or having a lazy lay-in-bed on a Sunday morning with my partner and our smiling, giggling baby.
7, How do you wind down? : Having a good chill out on the sofa and a naughty pig-out is a simple wind-down strategy! For me, the best way to wind down is to do what I enjoy and makes me happy. So pretty much those activities I described in my previous answer!
8, what are your future plans? : At the moment I feel fairly new out of sporting retirement and going through the transition into ‘normal’ life. So I don’t have any fixed set plans for the future. My priority at the moment is family. I’ve recently had my first child and would definitely like to have more. So my short-term future plans are to grow my family whilst developing a new career. I’ll be doing the same as most mothers – juggling a lot of balls and trying my best to provide for and be the best mum I can be!