Its been a very busy year with so much going on, It has been great to reflect on the year and its blessings as well as the constantly changing high's and low's.
From the stress of getting a new job only then not taking it, only to realise the blessing and convenience of my current job,To almost loosing it due to government cutbacks and then for the cutbacks not to go ahead. It certainly has been quite stressful at times.
Thank you's
The year had been full of so many blessings of which I'm most grateful for, I thank god for each and every one x and I thank family for their patience, love,understanding x
A huge thank you to all of you that visit and read my blog, And an amazing Thank You to all of the amazing companies that I have had the pleasure to work with and my blogging partners Netflix, Nintendo as well as Disney and Skylanders who have been a huge part of our year. Thank you to wonderful PR's I have worked with during 2014, I very much look forward to working with you all again soon.
Thank you to Britmums and all of the blogging support groups which are run by bloggers, I'm often few and far between in contact yet I always feel welcome x
Looking Back
We have been part of some amazing opportunities and have visited some amazing places and attended the most stunning of events all which are now amazing memories.
we would like to thank all of our readers and blogging friends.
I have had the opportunity to test my skills and host some amazing Twitter competitions, as well as various competitions via my blog which I love to bring to my readers, I very much look forward to sharing more in the near future

Looking Forward and whats to come
Life has been pretty hectic so I'm hoping to join in with some of my favourite inspiring linkys, and connect with my fellow bloggers and followers as most of you know life can get a bit crazy and I'm often limited in the amount of time I have, due to work and family commitments, but I do look forward to connecting with you all the new year. I hope to continue to share my life, with more family recipes and lots more fun thoughts and reviews
Wishing all my readers a prosperous 2015