We were really excited to attend to Holland Park Ecological Centre to play the cool Animal Jam app which was recently launched by WildWorks, As well a have the fantastic opportunity to get up and close to some real life Bats.
We were delighted to meet Jenny the Bat expert, Jenny shared lots of amazing and interesting facts about Bats and their habitats, We were in awe when we finally got the chance to be up close with a variety of different bats that Jenny had brought along.

The boys were fascinated to see the Bats and learn about the different species of Bats from around the world, as well as the Bats that we could expect to find here in the UK. It was an amazing experience that we most defiantly will not forget,
The aim of Animal Jam is to inspire children to explore and protect the natural world in their own environment, Animal Jam was created in partnership with National Geographic and features classic playground role play along with real life science facts which makes science accessible and fun

Players can learn exciting facts and even talk to real scientists. Animal Jam offers a robust safety option which is constantly being optimised based on parent feedback.Animal Jam is the number one web based game and social network for kids around the world, and the amount of UK ‘Jammers’ is growing.
The boys are really enjoying the Animal Jam Wild app and after our trip to the Ecological Centre to learn about the Bats, they have certainly grown a great interest in the wildlife around them.
The cool Animal Jam Wild App is free to download from iTunes App Store for the iPad, and will be soon available on Android devices.
For more information on Animal Jam online visit Animal Jam and for the downloadable app check out itunes/Animal Jam-Wild. Head over to Bats.org.uk to find out more on the work that Jenny does with the conservation of Bats in the UK.