We had seen the adverts on TV, So imagine our excitement when we were given the opportunity to review these awesome Fungus AmungUs collectable characters,

Fungus AmungUs are cool new squishy, Sticky microscopic bacteria inspired collectables, Fungus AmungUs come in over 100 cool funky characters. Our Fungus AmungUs characters came in this cool yellow petri dish which contained two cool FunGuys, Fungus AmungUs also come in Vac Packs and Toxic Chambers.
Before I knew it the Fungus AmungUs characters were flying through the air landing and rolling down the walls, The boys were giggling and having so much fun seeing who could get their FunGuy the furthest up the wall.

My boys absolutely love these FunGuys and they have already been checking out the character collector file and planning their desired purchases, I'm sure these little micro FunGuys will be taking over our home pretty soon.

Fungus AmungUs can be purchased for a little as £2.50 which makes these great pocket money collectables. For more information on Fungus AmungUs and where you can purchase your very own FunGuy's check out Fungus AmungUs