My son loves watching Nexo Knights, So it was only natural that his next LEGO collection would be Nexo Knights, So you can imagine the joy when we were given the opportunity to build some awesome Nexo Knights. Nexo Knights follow five Knights who protect the kingdom from Jestro and Book of Monsters.
Nexo Knights Clay - Clay is a brave leader, he likes developing his fighting skills and fighting evil.
It was really easy to follow the Lego instructions and in no time out Mimi Figure Clay was built, we then excitedly built Clay's spinning swords and then added the lather wings to Clay's base.
What we love about this Nexo Knight set is that it comes with 3 scanable shields, Simply download the Nexo Nights App, and then you can battle against Jesto, The shield will give you cool much needed powers to help you in the game.

My son helped me put together this short video to give a a quick low down on the un-boxing of Clay.
Nexo Knight Clay costs £6.99 and is available from all good stores and online LEGO:Ultimate Clay