CORGI has a new campaign 'How Safe Is Your Street' the campaign is all about encouraging people to make sure their neighbours are ok. We all could help those around us from single mums to elderly or vulnerable people, there could easily be someone on your street struggling alone that would benefit from an occasional visit and the offer of a helping hand. By taking a few simple steps to get to know our neighbours, we can all help build a safer, happier community for everybody.
60% of people surveyed by CORGI HomePlan admitted they'd like to know their neighbours better and would like to be doing more in their community. That's why they have created an Online hub packed with information on how to get involved. From ideas on how to play a bigger part in your community to a video with psychology professor Dr Sandi Mann on breaking the ice with neighbours, this is a great resource for homeowners who want to build a stronger community.
For more information check out Corgi's Online Hub Online.
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