Showing posts with label my family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label my family. Show all posts

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Moments That Matter

Moments That Matter
I was asked to take part in the  Lloyds Bank Moments That Matter campaign, to talk about my favourite time from last year, But with so many amazing memories and fun times it was so difficult for me to choose one specific time or event. For me as long as I'm having fun and building memories with my…

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Outside and Inside - Half Term Fun

Outside and Inside - Half Term Fun
As the weather turns colder although its still great to get out and about...But this week we found ourselves spending a little more time indoors, especially as the night draw in earlier....Although we headed out for a necessary shop...which the boys love, they have always been keen to help out and …

Friday, 25 October 2013

Ball Skills

Ball Skills
This week we headed to the park with the football and basketball for some ball fun and games.....We had a great time kicking the ball around....trying to tackle each other and attempt and try out our ball's confirmed I have none "ball skills"....but I must say the kids are…

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Our Day Trip To London Zoo

Our Day Trip To London Zoo
It's been quite a few years since we last visited London Zoo..... So We were very excited. As the last time we visited the boy's were very we were looking forward to sharing the experience now they could really appreciate all of the animals. We immediately headed straight to th…

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Simple Fun

Simple Fun
I'm really enjoying the time off with my's been very nice to wake up and say what shall we do today.... No responsibilities or commitments of work. This week so far we had a really nice family shopping trip to London's Oxford Street I felt like a big kid at the Disney store I…

Monday, 5 August 2013

Family Time

Family Time
We are a week into the school Holidays already.... and unfortunately I have been working so far. So have really missed not spending time with the hubby and boy's...BUT my #magicmoment is finally here....YAY I'm off from work for a almost three weeks... it couldn't get any better then t…

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Our Half Term Week

Our Half Term Week
It's been a hectic but lovely half term week on Monday we headed for Brighton On Sea.... I haven't been for many years so was looking forward to the day trip and some sea was a glorious sunny day, we headed out on to the pier and went on some of the fair ground rides...explored…

Monday, 20 May 2013

Family fun - #magicmoments

Family fun - #magicmoments
A magicmoment weekend with my family........We chilled out at my mother in laws and then took a stroll down to St Catherines Dock and Tower Bridge.........I love these places they hold so many memories for me and my we used to spend lots of time here before we had children...So it was ni…

Monday, 8 April 2013


My Magic Moment....Family Outings.......We had a few already this year from going to the movies,Theatre and Sealife Centre.....But what I cant wait to do is head to the beach with the family. This picture was taken last year at the beach it was a lovely day,We had fish and chips and played in the …

Monday, 1 April 2013


My #MagicMoment this week has to be the love of my life...My hubby....We have been together for 19 years......We have so many memories we can look back and laugh and reminisce at the ups and downs of life.....We always make sure we spend together even if its a movie night and a meal .....He is my …