Wednesday, 8 May 2013


"Happiness is not the absence of problems from ones life, But the capability to deal with those problems and enjoy the blessings one has" SH Y Qadhi Wednesday words...Share a poem, Quote of saying...Linking in with Emma @  Crazy With Twins

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Moshi Monsters 5th Birthday Party

Moshi Monsters 5th Birthday Party
We were honoured to be invited to the Moshi Monsters 5th birthday party on  Thursday 2nd May 2013 at Mind Candy's  Moshi Monster HQ in Central London ......My boys are big Moshi Monsters fans and were very excited and couldn't wait.........We knew Moshi HQ was a awesome place but we were in fo…

Wednesday, 1 May 2013


What I love about these short simple quotes is they pop up in your timeline and make you stop and think...This is a great quote that I wanted to share this week. Linking in with Emma @ Crazy With Twins