Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Chocolate Week Recipe: Indulgent Chocolate Brownie

Chocolate Week Recipe: Indulgent Chocolate Brownie
To celebrate Chocolate Week Recipe which falls on 15-21 October 2018, chef Gopi Chandran from Sopwell House has created this delicious Indulgent Chocolate Brownie recipe. Serves 8-10 people Ingredients • 250g good quality dark chocolate – we use Callebaut Dark Chocolate Buttons • 250g unsalted butte…

Monday, 8 October 2018

Thunderbirds Are Go: International Rescue

Thunderbirds Are Go: International Rescue
We love playing games, so we were really excited to download the cool new Thunderbirds Are Go: International Rescue app, the game gives players the chance to be Virgil with the help of his trusty team John Tracy and lead engineer Brains, you will get the opportunity to complete life-saving mission…

Sunday, 7 October 2018

Three Sat Under The Banyan Tree

Three Sat Under The Banyan Tree
We were ever so delighted to attend Polka Theatre in London to watch the amazing theatre production of Three Sat Under The Banyan Tree, a magical enchanted story based on The Panchatantra – India’s Aesop’s Fables. Photo credit: Craig Fuller The story follows three orphans who share a magical book g…

Thursday, 4 October 2018

Body Worlds London

Body Worlds London
We were really excited to attend the exclusive opening night preview of Body Worlds. Body Worlds is an amazing unique interactive exhibition of the human body, it has been a huge global success and now has a permanent home in the London Pavilion in Piccadilly Circus. The exhibition starts on the t…