Saturday, 8 December 2012

Friday, 7 December 2012

Winter Activities - Gloves

Winter Activities - Gloves
Hunt the glove what you will need Glove Activity (Ask all children to leave the room)...Hide the glove in a room...and encourage your child/ren to find the glove use word...Cold - when no where near where the glove is hidden and... Hot - very close to where glove is hidden This is an extremely fun ga…

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Hokey Pokey

Hokey Pokey
Ingredients 1 cup of sugar 4 tablespoons of water 1 tablespoon of golden syrup 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda Method Heat sugar and golden syrup and water together in a heavy based saucepan stir to prevent burning and sticking, heat until sugar syrup mix is a deep brown Carmel colour Remove from heat cool…

My Big Boy - Another Year Older #R2BC

My Big Boy - Another Year Older #R2BC
My Beautiful Boy is Seven how fast the years have feels like only yesterday I held you in my many memories and loads to come ....My Cheeky little boy with a cheeky smile and always getting up to mischief. He will often watch and pick up techie things very quickly a…