Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Pokémon - Bloggers Day

Pokémon - Bloggers Day
We were delighted to attend the  Pokémon  blogger event on Saturday to check out the amazing Pokemon video games  Pokémon X  and  Pokémon Y  which was lunched worldwide in October exclusively for the Nintendo family. The awesome Pokémon games are a series of role-playing games where you assume the role of…

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Saturday, 30 November 2013

BullGuard - Software Review

BullGuard - Software Review
Online safety and security is very important in our home,most of my daily transactions and shopping is online as this is a quickest and most convenient way for me to shop. So I was delighted to try Bullguard identity protection software an awesome software package that offers complete identity and s…

Monday, 25 November 2013

School Trip

School Trip
I had an amazing time on my son's school trip last Friday......although I haven't been feeling very well, it was still nice to get out and about with him and spend some time together. The whole class headed to The London Aquarium via London Underground...We have been to the London aquarium b…